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Swede last won the day on December 10 2009

Swede had the most liked content!

About Swede

  • Birthday 02/04/1984

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  • Location
    Stockholm, Sweden

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  1. Don't have CoD2 installed so took the first pic I could find, but is it not taken from inside the box located in the german spawn? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/541/toujane.jpg/
  2. Oh, that's what you meant, sorry, think my brain is running on saved resources.
  3. Is that some tradition that you clean first day of spring?
  4. elim

    noob swede

  5. I was told that the timeout limit is set by their new host, ethproxy, to stop the ddos attacks and what I understand themselves, PBBans, can't change it.
  6. comment for Swede

  7. Just wondering what the status is on this.
  8. I know the GUID overview page shows if a GUID is banned on another AC site, but it doesnt say it if you check it with the Ban or Mutli-Ban search, well for me anyway. So thats why I was wondering if its possible to add it so the external one shows up as orange as on the GUID overview page.
  9. Dont know if this has been suggested before, but I was wondering if it's possible to have the Multi-Ban Search show external bans too? Regards, ~ Swede
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